Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Cancelled!

Off we go for another walk.  We cancelled Easter today since we are leaving in just a few days, and since the quarter starts tomorrow.  One last hurrah before the craziness begins!

 We went to Garfield Park, which is a great little neighborhood that I just discovered.  The stomp rocket was in the stroller - love that thing!

 Here's the little meatball, who just wanted to be carried all day.

 Big sis little bro in the stroller.
 Back to Papa for some love.  Look at those eyes - they look like marbles!
 This little flower-child is obsessed with all the blooms we're seeing sprouting up around town.  Daffodils are a new favorite.
 Flowers in her hair, on her shoes, oh my!  It must be Spring.

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