Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Everyday is pajama day

A game of Pirate Monopoly today. I forgot how long Monopoly games can go. We made it twice around the board and I declared N the winner. Whew.

He was pleased with the win, though he wasn't entirely sure how I came to that conclusion. When in doubt, don't ask questions, kid.
Look what my chickens have been up to? Busy little birds! Now I know why eggs are so central to the Easter holiday. There's nothing like finding your first eggs after a long, eggless winter!
Little taco is sick or teething or just realizing that he gets more attention when he screams. He wanted to sit right under my feet while I tried to "cook" (does opening cans for dinner constitute cooking?) and these magnets were the perfect way to occupy him. For exactly two minutes.

Cue the wine. M surprised me with this in the fridge - it's my fav. Yum.
In desperation, N found a way to stop F from shrieking, and I was happy. It's nice to end a hectic evening with some laughter. And to get to stay in your pajamas all day - that's pretty blissful too.

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